
Don’t go at it alone when it comes to managing that major project. Let our PMI-certified PMP help guide you through the murky waters of planning, resource management, budgeting, and procurement, whether in a lead or support role. For anything from a large tech implementation to a small facility remodel, let us help you with the paperwork and meetings so you can focus on the bigger picture.

Personalized Training

You spend too much to send your people to off-site classes, or you can’t afford to do so. We have an easy solution: standardized, consistent training conducted by industry experts at your Center. We have years of experience developing, evaluating, and leading training programs, and our modern themes and approach is certain to fit your needs. If it doesn’t, we’ll develop a custom class specifically for you.


Let’s face it: writing performance appraisals is not your favorite activity. Heck, it’s boring, tedious, and often feels like a waste of time. We’ve spent the last several years researching better ways to evaluate performance that eliminate the copy-and-paste processes and awkward conversations. Set better goals. Evaluate from all angles. Make feedback relevant. Let us show you how.

Technology Implementations

From full-scale software design and implementation, down to a minor tweak to your CAD or RMS system, we have the knowledge and experience to assist you with updating your outdated technology. We specialize in business analysis, project management, data analytics, and user training and acceptance. Let us be the help you need to use technology in the most meaningful ways.


We’ve been through it all: wholesale policy and procedure updates, from-scratch training development, large CAD and other technology transitions, shift scheduling and staffing deployment overhauls, and dispatch center consolidations. Stressing patience, buy-in, understanding, and the embracing of new ideas, we can give you the tools to make necessary change easy to manage in your center.

Hiring and

Nearly every center is short-staffed, and that’s a problem. We want to help you break the cycle of hiring the wrong people because you need a seat filled, just to have to let them go and start over (or retain them even though they’re inefficient). With our assistance, recruit and hire the right people, know what to seek in a candidate, ask interview questions that really matter, and keep them engaged once they’re in the building.


We’ve worked in, managed, and analyzed Dispatch Centers across the country, and we can use that experience to help you create a more efficient workplace. We’ll observe your operation and using our expertise, industry best standards, data analytics, and a contemporary approach, we’ll provide you an honest assessment and offer realistic, easy-to-follow solutions to make your center the best it can be.


Agile is not just a tool for developing software, it’s a way of improving efficiency in any industry or workplace. Our PMI-certified Disciplined Agile Scrum Master (DASM) will provide training and leadership for adopting an Agile mindset; help you focus on continuous, incremental improvement; and teach you to create visuals and dashboards to track your progress in real time.


We’re first and foremost providers of solutions. Let us use our years of experience, breadth of knowledge, and creative, bold, and modern style of problem-solving to fix what ails you with a truly customized solution. Whether it’s a staffing issue you’ve been battling for years or a newly-discovered technology problem, we have the expertise to get things turned around and keep them that way.